It's an open L shaped floor plan with a huge fireplace at one end, a huge round handmade table with an equally huge lazy susan in the center of it. It does have an indoor bathroom, a kitchen with hot and cold running water. Bruce sleeps on a vintage day bed and I sleep on a convertable couch that clicks down into a bed. Initially, all we had for additional heat was an old iron cookstove and we managed simple meals on it, but because we have electricity, we have coffee maker, toaster, crock pots and bought a 2 burner hot plate.
This first picture is in the corner beside the back door, my husband's latest project. We once had a huge antiquated old fridge there and it was removed and we placed a small apartment sized propane stove there. He built a shelf and on that you can see the small apartment sized fridge. behind that wall is the shower.
This is a picture of the shower. that back room used to be full of wood scraps and tools and there was no place to wash up other than the bathroom sink. Sure makes it nice!

This is the bathroom, it's directly across from the shower area.
This is the kitchen, directly across from the new stove and fridge. To the left is the shower and bathroom.
If you follow the counter around, you see the rest of the kitchen, and beyond the dining area, and the antique iron cookstove.
Here you can see the huge round table with the lazy susan in the middle. The photo was really dark, so I lightened it up a bit, you can see the detail much better if you click on the picture to enlarge it. Notice the woods outside the window!

Here is the antique daybed my husband sleeps on which doubles as seating during the day since there really is no 'bedrooms' to speak of.

across from the daybed is my click clack couch that turns into a bed. Notice the big stone fireplace to the right, we'll get to that in a minute.

Here is the long view. It really is quite spacious, even if it lacks a bit of privacy.

Here is the fireplace. It's easily 10 feet to the top, I know my eye level is lower than the mantle. We used to have a free standing wood stove on the hearth with the pipe going up the chimney, but we lost so much warm air to that huge gaping maw. Eventually, we found an excellent used fireplace insert, and it had made a world of difference. One thing that helped distribute the heat a little better was the installation of ceiling fans. My husband put one up above the fireplace, one as close to the center of the cabin as possible and one in the kitchen.

Here is the outside view of our cabin. Even though we are up on a hill, you can still see in the background the hills behnd us.

If you back further down the hill you see part of Bob and Pauline's cabin to the left. Oh, and you can see we also have satellite dish......

And here is the guest cabin. It looks teeny, but it's actually not a bad size. It's heated by a propane wall heater and get's quite cozy. This was my daughter's cabin for a couple of years, but with work, school and the boyfriend, she just doesn't have the time to come down, so Pauline decided to fix it up so that anyone of us could have visitors down. She put an antique sleigh bed in there and my husband says it looks wonderful. I wish he'd have gotten a picture of it, because I haven't seen it since it was changed.
There is a 4th cabin, up on the hill beyond ours. It's not been used and is rather hard to access. It sits overlooking the valley and it appears the ground will eventually wear away. We've jacked it up but Pauline would like to find a way to move it and eventually fix it up as well so it could be used.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my tour of our little cabin in the woods!
I love you cabin in the woods, and have to say I covet that beautiful old woodstove...they make the best bread! You both have put an astounding amount of work into this, I'm sure and it's lovely cosy and practical...would sure be nice to have that to come 'home' to.
Thanks for the trip...
Thanks Miz, it's a wonderful retreat. It's in the heart of ski country and in the snow belt. We almost got snowed in one thanksgiving, but thankfully a neighbor saw our smoke from the chimney and plowed the drive so we could get out.
That cabin was a mess when we got it. it hadn't been used in 17 years. I wish I had pictures to show how far it's come. it's just amazing.
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